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發布者:admin     瀏覽次數:2913     發布時間:2016-10-24


        英文版:Rotary desiccant is to reduce the humidity of the air, to obtain the monotonous air commonly used in the desiccant equipment. It is the use of the coating in the slowly rotating porous wheel or ring carrier on the hygroscopic agent for the adsorption of water vapor molecules contained in the air through the wet runner; hygroscopic agent can be regenerated after moisture absorption dehydration under high temperature, moisture absorption and recovery ability. It is still in the use of foreign manufacturers has been selected paper lithium chloride absorption dehumidification runner, low power, high energy consumption, short service life.

        The use of rotary wheel, there is a certain environmental needs, usually the first to have the following:

        (1) between the desiccant and obstacles, should adhere to a certain distance, and have a certain space.

        (2) the dehumidifier can not be placed in the lower air dew point in the environment, to prevent the internal condensation phenomenon.

        (3) the use of the environment in the environment, there should be excellent ventilation, can not be dust, oil, etc., but also can not be corrosive or dangerous gases or goods.

        (4) the drainage equipment should be set up to facilitate the discharge of condensed water.

        The operating procedures of the desiccant, it is also a very important part of some of its primary content:

        (1) after the installation of the machine, it is necessary to check whether it is in a horizontal position.

        (2) the electrical connection of the desiccant, shall be carried out by professional personnel to prevent problems.

        (3) the use of the power supply voltage, should meet the requirements.

        (4) the work of the desiccant and a series, can not be through the power of the plug to end, so the damage to the equipment is very large.

        (5) the placement of the desiccant is not a level, the water is not clear, and the use of power is not normal.

        (6) if the unit is not in use for a long time, it should unplug the power plug and prevent the power consumption.

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